Sunday 9 November 2014

Satanism in South Africa

EXPLICIT CONTENT WARNING - you've been warned.

Our latest brief was editorial illustration. We were each given existing articles and the size of the illustration with the existing illustration removed and that was all. We have to produce an illustration in two versions, one for print and one for digital. The digital one needs to be animated slightly whether it be a gif or in another way.

I got the happiest of all articles - Satanism and crime in South Africa, or 'Possession and the law', an article from FT magazine July 31 2004.

Above illustrations are meant to show the influence of the devil on people, his control over them. The article explores how people are possessed or commit crimes because of the devil. "These people aren't mentally ill ... They're just evil." - a quote from Colonel/Dr.Kobus Jonker from the article. 

Within the article there's the story of 'Belinda' (name given to her), a woman who claims that she was in a coven for '13 drug-fuelled years', which makes it sound all the more believable. However whether her story is real or not it is definitely disturbing. She claims to have gone to a Satanist party "There was a lot of blood. I could feel strange powers. People screaming, running, eating and grabbing flesh. It was basically an orgy." 

Further on she speaks of her experience in the coven; she says that she had seen four human sacrifices and that she was raped on an altar frequently as a spectacle. She believed that by accepting the latter 'punishment' she would be rewarded with supernatural powers.

So some of the ideas I've been working on have been from her section of the article. The above images are to illustrate both the satanist orgy and the scenes of rape, the clawed hands representing the hands of the devil as opposed to the supposed reality. 

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